Deportivo Ibarra - Focusing on Providing Professional Soccer Opportunities to Women and Men in Ecuador

Deportivo Ibarra

In 2015, the soccer club Deportivo Ibarra was founded in Ibarra, Imbabura, a city in the sierra of Ecuador, by Alvaro Castillo who was the mayor of the city at the time. Currently, the club operates a Women’s 1st Division Professional Team and a Men’s 3rd Division Professional Team.

(The Ecuadorian league system consists of two categories, with the top category divided into two series. At the top of the pyramid is Primera Categoría, Serie A (shorten to Primera A), which consists of the top teams of the country. Below them is Primera Categoría, Serie B (shorten to Primera B). Teams in the Primera Categoria play independent of the 18 provincial organizations that make up the Segunda Categoria, and independently of each other. The Segunda Categoria is the next level below the Primera Categoria. This is by far the largest level in the league system in terms of number of teams. Teams in this category play within their provincial associations to qualify to a larger national tournament) -

Deportivo Ibarra began to realize new and exciting achievements when the club changed leadership in 2019.  Lenin Lopez brought his experience as the owner of SAITEL.EC a major telecommunication company to the club, as well as his previous experience with other futbol clubs.  


“In my first year at the club, the men’s team were promoted to Segunda Categoria (3rd Div Pro Soccer), and then I worked to bring women’s soccer in by the third year,” Lopez remarked.

Women’s soccer is experiencing rapid growth in Ecuador, and Lopez’s experience with women’s teams before coming to Deportivo Ibarra gave him the vision to make this important addition a priority.  His focus on this project  has resulted in the women’s team’s advancement to Primera A (1st division) after winning the Torneo de Ascenso in December of 2021.  His club has also prepared players for larger clubs like Independiente del Valle and the Liga de Quito and four of his players have been selected for the women’s national team.  

“Our women’s team is playing at the highest level in the country,” said Lopez. “We are very focused on continuing the development of this program.”

Lopez admires the United State’s development program for female players and sees great potential in a scouting program between the technical style of the North American players and strong and spirited style of play in Ecuador.  

“Our doors are open to talented players from the  United States, and our players would greatly benefit from the opportunity to play in the United States as well,” he said.

Women’s soccer is a part of the overall social mission of the club.  Deportivo Ibarra’s focus on women’s soccer is creating a space in which girls can participate competitively when previously only recreational levels were available to them.  Ultimately, Lopez’s priority is creating opportunities for the youth of Ecuador.

“Soccer is discipline,” said Lopez. “I am investing in developing young players to give them an alternative to being on the streets and an opportunity that can help them overcome their current situations.”  

Deportivo Ibarra will be working with Mario Erazo and his agency Soccer Scouting Pros to provide international opportunities for talented players in the United States and Ecuador. This partnership promises exciting possibilities for players looking to expand their playing experience and achieve higher levels of play.

Mario Erazo