"This is My Now," Randy Romero on his goal to play pro soccer

Scouting Pros under the leadership of Coach Mario Erazo is helping young players like Randy get the exposure they need to realize their dream of playing professionally.  We recently spoke with Randy to ask him about his experience at the Fan Select tour to Rome in May, 2019 and to discuss his goals.

Randy Romero, a native of Los Angeles, is in his third year of University.  He is a youth minister and church volunteer at the LA Our Lady of Hope Christians Youth Ministry and attributes his involvement in the ministry to overcoming difficult times in his life.  

He began to play soccer at the age of 10, having only played baseball up to that point.  When he began to play soccer, he fell in love with the sport and spent most of his youth soccer years with the Pateadores FC & FC Golden State in LA.


Romero admits that while playing club soccer, he struggled with self-doubt and low confidence on the field.  It was only when he began playing with United Premier Soccer League, and consistently played as a starter did he build his confidence and begin to believe he could achieve his long-time dream of playing professionally.  

The opportunity to join the Fan Select Team to play in Rome was just what Romero needed to begin to understand what his dream to play professionally truly requires.  

“It's a really great experience; it gives you a chance not only to experience playing at a higher level but to really learn,” says Romero. “You can change your game in a span of just a few days because of the soccer environment you are in.  It gave me a perspective of where I want to be.”

 Romero continued to say that the experience provided by Scouting Pros allows players to see professional play for themselves and understand if it is attainable.  Now, Romero’s goal is simple: to get a contract and live his dream of playing soccer at the highest level he can achieve.  

How is Scouting Pros helping Romero to achieve his goal?  Romero says that they have educated him about how scouting works, how to promote himself, and how to adapt to other cultures.  They are opening doors and making important connections to give him ample opportunity to realize his dream. 

When asked if he had any advice for players seeking the same goal, Romero answered, “In these kinds of situations, the coaches will always be such a big help,  But there has to be a drive and desire from the players. Alot of players get the opportunity, but because of financial issues, personal issues, they don’t pursue their dream.  You should take it into consideration that sometimes things only come around once, and you really do have to take the chance. At my age, “ he continues, “I was reaching the point that it is now or never.  I am using this as my now to give it my all until I know I have done everything possible to achieve my goal. This is my now.” 

Mario Erazo